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About the music tools

The process of learning how to produce music (for us) has included taking classes at the local college, watching videos online, reading articles and asking friends for help and feedback.

It seems like other music sites are either VERY focused on instruction and theory, or those that permit uploading seem to be designed more for promotion, or sharing with fans. This site is designed for learning and sharing with co-collaborators whose opinions you really value during the production process.

Additionally, there are many efforts to really help people focus on learning about (and getting feedback on) song structure as well as how specific sounds are made?

As this site is brand new, and a work in progress...we appreciate your support and feedback!


Q: What is the purpose of this site?
A: To help people make better music
Q: How does it help people make better music?
A: You can post songs, clips or random sounds and ask the community for feedback on the entire file, or you can highlight specific regions and provide a specific prompt (or question).
Q: Is there a mobile app?
A: Mobile apps are still in development! (we are currently testing them with a very small group)
Q: What file types are supported?
A: Currently mp3s and wav files. We plan to expand the options in the future.
Q: Who can see my profile, songs and comments?
A: Anybody who creates an account.
Q: Do you use social media?
A: No
Q: I'm new. How do I get started?
A: You can Browse clips and songs. Or upload a song, highlight some sections you are looking for feedback on, and share the link with your friends.
Still have questions? Contact us